Why should students learn a language other than English?
The study of language provides opportunities for students to view the world in a different way. Student's can become more accepting of diversity, more respectful of other and more aware of their place in the international community. High quality education in language enable students to respond positively to the opportunities and challenges of their rapidly changing world.
Contemporary research and practice have established a clear link between the learning languages and improved literacy skills. Even limited experience of the learning of languages is shown to increase metalinguistic awareness and enhance general cognitive development.
Why Indonesian?
Indonesia is Australia's nearest Asian neighbour. The study of Indonesia and its national language Bahasa Indonesia is therefore relevant to Australian students. The ability to communicate in Indonesian enhances the positive features of Australia's culturally diverse society and helps to reinforce the ideals of mutual respect. It promotes understanding, harmony and cooperation between Australia and Indonesia.
Year 8 students at Illawarra Sports High School are pandai sekali (very clever). They learn a range of Indonesian vocabulary including greetings/farewell, number (up to 1000), colours, dates, months, food, shopping, transport, animals and ways to describe the weather. In small groups the students create, write, and record their own versions of Wayang Kuilts on IPads.Students also learn about different ethnic groups in Indonesia and their characteristics and beliefs.
Students of Indonesian are given the opportunity to participate in a range of cultural incursions including performances of the The Saman Dance, Kecak, gamelan, angklung and Acehnese drumming and percussion. Many parents have expressed an interest in helping their child learn Indonesian and learning it themselves! Here are some apps that will make Indonesian language learning easier and fun.
- https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/indonesian-flashcards/id413631917?mt=12
- https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/wordpower-learn-indonesian/id422691873?mt=12
- https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/indonesia-dictionary/id476236699?mt=12
Mrs Jenny Hilton.