Illawarra Sports High School

Integer Vitae

Telephone02 4271 1099

Selection, Application Procedure

Selection and Application Procedures

To qualify for enrolment at Illawarra Sports High School a student must either live in the local drawing area or be selected on merit as a talented sports person. 

Conditions of enrolment in TDSP

The criteria for selection in the Talented Sports and Development Program are:

  • Current enrolment in a local community or representative club.
  • Outstanding sporting record
  • Keen to improve sporting ability / coachable positive attitude to training
  • A positive attitude towards school and a positive welfare record

TSDP Criteria


Our school Year 5 and 6 Information Open Night is held in the school hall early Term 1. All parents and carers are welcome to attend the information sessions and tour of the school.

Students applying for the selective sports program must attend the Talented Sports and Development Program Trials.

Year 7 2026 -

Wednesday April 9th & Thursday August 21st

Click here to register online.

Years 7 to 10 -

Thursday February 20th & Thursday September 4th

Click here to register online.

The trials are held at Illawarra Sports High School and consist of a fitness test as well as specific skills and games activities. Students will receive an application package via email prior to the day and accepted students will be notified via mail. Every primary school in the region is sent an information package for distribution to students or contact Illawarra Sports High School for more information. 

If a student is unable to attend the either of the Trials, then an application must be made in writing to the Director of Sport. The student will attend a training session as a trial.

Year 6 into 7 Enrolment Procedures -

  1. Attend Information Open Night early Term 1
  2. Attend Trials Day.
  3. Parents to return completed application package to ISHS by due date.
  4. TSDP Selection Panel will inform successful applicants via mail.
  5. Normal school enrolment procedures and paperwork still apply.


Students seeking enrolment in TSDP must complete an application form. The TSDP selection panel will conduct an interview with the parent and student seeking enrolment. The panel will also contact the current primary or high school for any additional background information. At the interview please bring with you –

  1. Birth certificate and vaccination
  2. Proof of address x 3
  3. Most recent school report
  4. Any references from coaches or sporting organisations