Talented Surfing Program

Talented Surfing Program
Boys & Girls
How many days a week do the students train?
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons during sport/elective time.
1.00pm – 3:00pm
3 X surf sessions per fortnight
2 x Strength & Conditioning sessions per fortnight (monitor and run via Surfers strength app – Dean Jaminson)
1 x video review session per week
Do they have to surf for a certain level to be in the accepted into the program?
No, however, we expect all members to be current and actively competing in regional and state level events. Each surfer needs to driven in their own personal development and be committed to giving 100% in both academic and athletic pursuits.
Do they miss any school?
Students do not miss any class time and complete all lessons just like any other school. The only time they will be absent from class time is if they are participating in an event or High Performance Camp/training day. Who are the coaches?
Geoff Latimer - Director of Surfing Program and Coach
David Hyslop - Coach
Dean Jamieson – Strength & Conditioning Coach
Is it all just training?
The main goal of the Talented Sports Programs is to ensure individual development - athletic, academic and personal. Training consists of fitness, skills individual, competition/heat simulation and group training. The main focus is surfer development to allow them to succeed in SurfingNSW and SurfingAus events.
Individual Athlete Development Plans
All students have their own individual ADP. They discuss strengths and weaknesses with their coaches and set goals to ensure continued improvement. These form part of their student portfolio and are discussed at the semester portfolio interview.
How do you make sure the surfers are not overloaded?
The players are monitored constantly at training. The student athletes need to communicate with their coach in regards to their training load outside of school. All surfers have transitioned to an online Strength and Conditioning App (monitored by Dean Jamieson underwritten by SurfingAus testing and curriculum)
Students programs are individualised and vary to ensure they are not overloaded. Training will change depending on/if events are on, if there has or hasn’t been any swell.
What do players do if they are injured or overloaded?
Communicate with coaches via program app or note.
Solution 1: Overloaded players are utilised at training in a way that they can still participate in the session, maintaining their learning, but decreasing their training load/intensity.
Solution 2: Complete a gym program under the supervision of a strength and conditioning coach.
Solution 3: Students book in to the Study Hub to complete school work during the training session block.
How many competitions do you get to compete in?
Students do not surf a set number of comps. There is only a small number of events run during the school framework. School regional titles, local school tag team’s events and the Sports High Schools training day/s.
HOWEVER, our main aim is to get our surfers ready for SurfingNSW and SurfingAus events.
Representative Duty
Our school still holds the usual sports carnivals, swimming, cross country and athletics. Students in TSDP must attend and compete in school carnivals. Students would then be eligible to attend zone, regional or state carnivals.
Enrolment in one Talented Sports Program does not exclude you from participating in other sports representative teams. For example, Surfing students trialling and playing in the Touch team.
While students are attending external competition’s and missing school all schoolwork is provided to complete online, as well as additional support in school learning Centre.
What are the benefits of the program?
• Full time program - year round
• Fitness testing twice yearly
• Expands opportunities for both Talent ID and Talent Development
• Focuses on individual development in a team environment
• Inclusive Strength & Conditioning programs specific to each sport.
• All training sessions filmed with access to clips
• Annual High Performance Camps at HPC Surfing Australia.
• Aims to maximize individual athletic and academic potential
• Increases individual volume of training
• Holistic and sustainable
• Cost effective and value for investment
• Fully accredited, experienced staff
• Holistic approach to player well-being (academic and welfare)
• Additional academic support with access to tutors and Learning Centre.
• Direct link to SurfingNSW and SurfingAUS pathway/s.