This procedure guides student use of digital devices and online services at our school. Our school acknowledges the educational value of digital devices and online services in supporting and enhancing educational outcomes and student wellbeing. We also recognise they may cause harm if used inappropriately and that we need to support our students to use them in safe, responsible and respectful ways.
Main aims:
1. To minimise the disruption to teaching and learning that can occur due to the inappropriate use of personal devices including mobile phones
2. To minimise the impact of the negative effects to the wellbeing of students that can be attributed to the misuse of mobile phones to harass, intimidate and bully other students.
Important changes coming in Term 4, 2023
The NSW Government has announced restrictions on the use of mobile phones in NSW high schools beginning in Term 4, 2023.
In line with this policy Illawarra Sports High School will be making changes to the way mobile phones are accessed by students during the school day. The new system is being implemented to increase focus in classrooms, remove distractions and to also promote positive social interaction, while reducing the potential for online bullying.
The new mobile devices management plan at Illawarra Sports High School will apply to mobile phones and will occur during all school hours, including break times such as during lunch and recess, as well as while students are on school-based excursions.
Students will still be able to carry their phones while travelling to and from school.
A small number of exceptions/exemptions will be made for managing health conditions. Parents/Carers and students wishing to apply for an exemption will need to complete an exemption form and make an appointment with the relevant Deputy Principal (see attached).
How we will restrict mobile phone access
After careful consideration we will implement the NSW Department of Education ‘off and away’ policy. Mobile phones are to be turned off and kept out of sight for the duration of the school day.
What does this mean?
● Students may not use mobile phones or other personal electronic devices while on school grounds at any time. ‘School grounds’ extends to school excursions, sports carnivals and other events at the school or off site where an approved school activity takes place, unless otherwise advised.
● If at school, mobile phones and listening devices are to be away in a school bag and switched off at all times (including lunch and recess). Smart watches must be placed on airplane mode on entering the school grounds.
● Students are not permitted to use their phones for payment at the canteen. They will be required to use their physical card or make cash payments.
● Mobile phones can only be accessed once students are dismissed from the school grounds at the end of the school day.
● Mobile phones are the responsibility of the student. The school is not responsible for the loss or damage of a mobile phone in the possession of a student.
● Confiscated phones will be securely stored at the front office. On the first confiscation students will be able to collect their phone from a member of the senior executive at the end of the day and a phone call will be made home informing parents and carers of the first infringement. On the second and further offences, parents will be required to collect the phone from the school. Repeated offences may result in disciplinary action.
We are excited to make our school a mobile phone-free space to improve learning and engagement, however, we will always make sure you can contact your child in an emergency. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school directly on 42711099. There will also be further information posted on school communication platforms.