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Illawarra Sports High School

Illawarra Sports High School

Integer Vitae

Telephone02 4271 1099

First Day 2020

First Day of School 2020

First Day 2020 Information & FAQ

Staff return - Tuesday 28th Jan 2020

Year 7, 11, 12 - Wednesday Jan 29th 2020

All years - Thursday Jan 30th 2020

Week B return

We are a school uniform school and proud of our identity. School Uniform is available to purchase at Figtree Lowes. If you are in TSDP, don't purchase the PE/Sport uniform from Lowes. Your training kit is available through Mrs Child. Purchases can be made first week back. 

BLACK LEATHER OR SUEDE SHOES ONLY are accepted at ISHS. Canvas or mesh (joggers) are not acceptable due to safety reasons in all years, even if you don't have practical subjects. Please ensure that you purchase the correct shoes. 

No compulsory laptop or device is required to be purchased as school as banks of laptops in classes.